Interested in our Hair Loss Solutions?

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    Salon / Hair Stylist

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      Private Person

      If you are not an educated hair stylist or not working at a hair salon, you are considered a ‘private person.’ As a private person, you are not able to create an account on our website (, however, you are still able to make purchases through our hair technicians and find out more about our products and services. This can be done by filling out the form above and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

      We customise our hair loss products for our clients to ensure a perfect natural look. We begin with having one of our hair technicians to contact you for a hair loss consultation. They will help you choose a product that is perfect for your hair loss matter and ultimately, you will have a solution to your hair loss!

      Salon / Hair Stylist

      If you are a qualified hair stylist that either works or owns a hair salon, you are more than welcome to create a free account. As a member, you can now view all prices for our products and make purchases.

      If you have any questions regarding our hair loss solution products, we invite you to fill out the form above and we will contact you back as soon as possible. There is no avoiding hair loss, once it begins it may never end, which is why bringing our hair loss solutions to your salon will give you the chance to customise hair pieces to your clients scalp/hair instead of turning a customer away. Continue to make a difference in peoples lives, even those who suffer from hair loss by partnering up with HairContrast!